As a child I went through quite a few dreams that of what I would be when I grew up. I believe my first choice was that I would be the world's best ballerina, followed by cowboy, veterinarian, teacher and princess. I was certain that I would marry Prince Charles, but looking back I'm glad that didn't work out. A love of Christmas led me to believe that a career in the gift wrapping department at a local department store would be the ultimate job. Faced with the fact of the earning capacity in gift wrapping I moved on to my next choice.  I was fascinated by the stewardesses (yes, I know they are flight attendants now) for Braniff Airlines and the amazing outfits they wore.  Shyness and a fear of the unknown zapped that dream.

Growing up watching Ozzie and Harriet, I Love Lucy and even Lassie I was convinced that "mom" was what I aspired to be. A home spun, wacky, organized my mom. Along came Marlo Thomas in That Girl and I was ready to conquer college and career options. Jump forward a "few" years - marriage, the two perfect children, finally the college degree completed after children out of high school. Along the way several jobs that always had me wondering what would I do WHEN I GROW UP.  I always thought there would be time to find the dream job/career. Because I've always joked that it's never too late.

A year ago my world and what I would  become changed when I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer de Novo. This blog is going to be my outlet to discuss my experience with cancer.  No apologies for saccharine thought, crudeness or graphic discussions.

Next time, an explanation of my cancer....
